Purnell Alumnae
Purnell Alumnae Visitor's Day - June 15, 2024
Susie Axelrad Geary '89
Chariselle Beauperthuy '92
Mary Chuhinko-Blount +3 '06
Kendel Cohen-Selig '89
Treffly Coyne '89
Susie Cunningham Krull '89
Liz Fisher McLean '89
Amy Gallagher Hester '89
Michele Goodrich '89
Ilyana Kadushin '89
Trish Parr '89
Marni Pierson Blum '89
Shari Redan '89
Amy Sind Lehr '89
Julia Stankaitis '22
Kate Stewart '92
Kristina Stroh Gimbel '89
We missed the rest of you who said you'd be there!
Gail Mardfin (1978-2000)
Donna Martin (1965-2021)
Jeanne Mullett Forster '76
Maria Bowditch (1978-1982)
Penn Bowditch (1978-1982)
Sascha Sternecker (2017-2021)
Although there weren't 35 alum to warrant a FULL-day Visitor's Day with luncheon and Alumnae Association meeting, there was a nice turnout for the 10am-noon self-guided tours and coffee on the Terrace. It was a very sunny day with 22 visitors -- including 13 from the Class of 1989 -- and six former faculty who stopped by. The future of this annual gathering is uncertain due to the relatively small number of alumnae to have it as a yearly event, and due to the Pingry schedule, the date will always be the Saturday of Father's Day Weekend. If you'd like to see the Visitor's Day continue, please get involved with the Steering Committee.

Front steps of Main... L-R Front: Gail Mardfin, Kate Stewart '92, Chariselle Beauperthuy '92, Mary Frances Chuhinko-Blout '06, Donna Martin. All the rest are the fabulous class of 1989 celebrating their 35th! Second: Shari Redan, Michele Goodrich, Liz Fisher McLean, Amy Sind Lehr, Amy Gallagher Hester. Back: Marni Pierson Baum, Trish Parr, Susie Axelrad-Geary, Susie Cunningham Krull, Treffly Coyne, Ilyana Kadushin, Kristina Stroh Gimbel, Kendel Cohen-Selig. Missing from photo: Jeannie Forster '76, Penn and Maria Bowditch, Sascha Sternecker (faculty at the time of the School's closing), and Julia Stankaitis, who would've been class of 2022.

Gail presented Donna with a Purnell Guidelines mug. Donna has been tireless in her efforts to archive Purnell documents and memorabilia and knows more about the campus history than anyone!

'89ers Susie Axelrad Geary & Amy Sind Lehr enjoy a sunny hug on the Terrace which now sports picnic tables with Pingry umbrellas.

Ilyana Kadushin and Susie Cunningham Krull - both Susies came all the way from Colorado for their 35th reunion!

Gail & Michele Goodrich '89. The campus is still beautiful!

Former faculty & staff - Jeannie Mullett Forster '76, Maria & Penn Bowditch, Gail, and Donna.

35 YEARS! Susie AG, Amy Gallagher Hester, Treff Coyne, Kendel Cohen-Selig, Susie CK, Liz Fisher McLean, Kristina Stroh Gimbel. On bench: Marni Pierson Baum, Michele, Ilyana, Amy, Shari Redan, Trish Parr. Good work, Class of 1989!!

Susie & Treff on the Art Center Terrace

Look what's still in the Student Store in Custis basement!

Stalwart alum from the class of 1992, Kate Stewart & Chariselle Beauperthuy.

Donna explains how things are now in Custis basement.

Remember this? "Mr. Starkey's" painting class did this in 1982 and it's still there in the Art Center underpass.

All of the buildings open with a digital key system & people toured the buildings with their own key fobs. For some reason the breezeway entry into Custis dorm needed some assistance...

Selfies with Liz in the Student Kitchen: Amy, Shari, and Kendel.

Kristina, Donna, and Kate Stewart '92 pose for a shot in Main, which has been beautifully redecorated.

Three wonderful heads of Purnell and we are so grateful for their leadership. Lots of Purnell archives upstairs in Main.

Gathering in the Crow's Nest, now known to Pingry as the Bear's Den.

Treff shares photos with Trish from that implement we all carry in our pockets now.

Susie, Kendel & Liz on the sunny terrace

And who should ride through the campus on his bike during our event, but Jake Ross (son of Pete Ross & Wendy Wilderotter) - now a teacher himself at Delbarton School.

A look at the north end of the Athletic Center where there is a definite Purnell presence of plaques & the large Griffin logo that used to be in the entryway floor.
The gym floor was covered with a type of astroturf for practicing soccer.

Kudos to Liz & Ilyana, who did a stellar job rounding up 13 of their 1989 classmates to celebrate their 35th Reunion throughout the weekend. People came from some distance, and some at the last minute. This class has kept in good touch over the years.