Purnell Alumnae
Purnell Alumnae Visitor's Day - June 17, 2023
Sarah Gammill '88
Daisy Patterson Decker '79
Bonner Boynton '91
Bridget Reilly '91
Hilary Wall Ginas '80
Beth Schoenknecht Crandall '09
Kate Stewart '92
Jessica Jacobson Liebeskind '92
Claire Candler Carruth '79
Marina Bradee Murdock '79
Mary Frances Chuhinko-Blount '06
Barbara Rogers '80
Anne Marie Willis '80
Michele Faul'80
Riki Mandell McGettigan '80
Laura Wood '88
Gail Mardfin (1978-2000)
Wendy Wilderotter (1977-1994)
Martha Cummings (1980-1985)
Donna Martin (1965-2021)
Lois Taylor Baldwin (1987-1994)
Elena Michelsen (1982-1989)
Ethna Hopper +1 (1976-1979)
Meryl Brownstein +1 (1977-1980)
Bridget Unice Malin (1999-2002)
Gallia Vickery (1982-1991)
Bill Vickery (1982-1991)
Many thanks to Event Chair Sarah Gammill '88 and others for pulling off the second Purnell Alumnae Visitor's Day on the beautiful Pottersville campus! It was a gorgeous day with 35 Purnell folks, including a dozen former faculty. Save next year's date: June 15, 2024 and make plans to come! We need a greater attendance to keep this going... Classes ending in '4 or '9 will be celebrating reunion years!

Claire Candler Carruth '79 holds a key fob to get into the buildings.

Old faculty friends Lois Taylor Baldwin & Elena Michelson.

Nick Ross & his girls with Martha Cummings & happy gramma Wendy Wilderotter.

Class of 80 gals Anne Marie Willis & Hillary Wall Ginas flank Wendy Wilderotter.

Class of 91ers Alex (aka Izzy) Percy, Bridget Reilly & Bonner Boynton with UP founder Martha Cummings.

Jessica Jacobson Liebeskind '92 from Florida & Kate Stewart '90 from North Carolina.

Happy smilers Meryl Brownstein & Michele Faul '80.

88ers Sarah Gammill & Laura Wood. 35 years!

The ageless Donna Martin with Mary Frances Chuhinko-Blount & organizer Gail Mardfin.

A beautiful reunion for advisee-advisor pair, Laura & Elena.

Kate, Alex, Bridget & Bonner. The 90s was a good decade.

Bonner, Gail, Jessica & Bridget.

Buy a mug! Claire Michele confer with Daisy Patterson Decker '79, our wonderful Class Rep Coordinator.

It's the 80s! Ethna Hopper (who IS 80), and faculty and students who were at Purnell in the 80s decade: Gail, Elena, Laura, Gallia Vickery, Sarah, Wendy, Lois, Bill Vickery & Martha.

Sillies Jessica, Kate & Bonner.

Making purchases to support the uniform drive for Universal Promise.

Event organizers Sarah & Gail lead the after-lunch "Announcements!"

Laura helps arrange the spread from the Black River Deli (aka Shep's).

Sarah & Martha behind the UP display.

Daisy, Claire & Daisy's hubby Jeff enjoy the sunny terrace filled with Pingry picnic tables and umbrellas.

L to R: Barbara Rogers '80, Daisy, Riki Mandell McGettigan '80, Claire, Anne Marie, Hillary, Michele, Marina Bradlee Murdock '79 & Ethna Hopper.

Michele & Claire look through the old photo albums Claire brought - along with some Revue records!

Former photography teachers Bill & Gail explore the updated darkroom facilities.

Donna displayed all the relevant yearbooks in the Crow's Nest, now known as the "Bears Den"!

Longtime friends Gail & Meryl - they were a mentee-mentor pair back in 1979!

Three wonderful heads of Purnell and we are so grateful for their leadership.

Ethna & Meryl drove up together from Baltimore, MD & Wilmington, DE respectively.

Lots of yummy desserts were generously supplied by Jenn White Frey '91.

Anne Marie the techie and Meryl the dance teacher.

Sarah, Head of Student Store way back when, explores what remains in Custis basement.


Donna is Purnell's archivist extraordinaire - with still lots to go!

Sarah spots her class' graduation picture upstairs in Main.

Gail is up to her old tricks, bossing everyone around for the group picture. See below.
After lunch, we gathered in the Carney Center for the second annual post-Purnell Alumnae Meeting with presentations and... singing!

Jessica & her boyfriend Bruce (front) flew up from Florida to attend the day's events.

Led by Beth Schoenknecht Crandall '09 (all the way from California), we sang traditional School songs.

It was a small but devoted crowd.

Martha gave an excellent presentation on her organization Universal Promise and how Purnell's legacy continues through it. Visit www.universalpromise.org/alumnae-legacy-fund to see what she shared.
About a dozen people stayed to enjoy a prepaid dinner at the Somerset Hills Inn in Warren, NJ on Saturday night, a new event organized by Sarah Gammill.

Hillary tries to capture the long view at Saturday night dinner.

Laura Wood '88 & Marina Bradlee Murdock '79

Class of 1988 - Celebrating 35 Years!!!

Class of 1980

Front row: Kate Stewart '90, Michele Faul '80, Sarah Gammill '88, Gail Mardfin fac, Bonner Boynton '91, Lois Taylor Baldwin fac, Laura Wood '88, Mary-Frances Chuhinko-Blount '06. Second row: Martha Cummings fac, Wendy Wilderotter fac, Ethna Hopper fac, Alex (aka Izzy) Percy '91. Meryl Brownstein fac, Marina Bradlee Murdoch '79. Riki Mandell McGettigan '80, Elena Michelson fac, Barbara Rogers '80, Hillary Wall Ginas '80, Anne Marie Willis '80, Daisy Patterson Decker '79, Claire Candler Carruth '79, Donna Martin fac, Bridget Malin fac. Top: Bridget Riley '91, Bill & Gallia Vickery fac. Missing from photo: Beth Schoenknecht Crandall '09, & Jessica Jacobson Liebeskind '92.
Down into the Pottersville valley and a little tour around the beautiful campus
that Pingry is thoroughly maintaining and improving.
Thanks to everyone who sent in the photos on this page.