Purnell Alumnae
Who's Coming - June 15, 2024
THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED SINCE PLANS WERE REVISED. If you can't make it, send a note to purnellsite@gmail.com and we'll post it on this page (see below.)
Liz Fisher McLean - 1989
Ilyana Kadushin - 1989
Chariselle Beauperthuy - 1992
Kate Stewart - 1992
Tina Olney - 1980
Amy Sind Lehr - 1989
Treffly Coyne - 1989
Susie Cunningham Krull 1989
Marni Pierson Baum - 1989
Michele Goodrich - 1989
Kristina Stroh Gimbel - 1989
Reed Evans + 1 - 1981
Alison Shirk Scherr - 1990
Bridget Reilly - 1991
Bonner Boynton - 1991
Kendel Cohen-Selig - 1989
Christina DeGiovanni - 2008
Shari Redan - 1989
Mary Chuhinko-Blount - 2006
Susie Axelrad Geary - 1989
Trish Parr - 1989
Amy Gallagher Hester - 1989
Gail Mardfin (1978-2000)
Donna Martin (1965-2021)
Maria Bowditch (1978-1982)
Penn Bowditch (1978-1982)
Sascha Sternecker (2017-2021)
Jeannie Mullett Forster '76
Notes from those who can't make it...
Looks like the class of ‘89 wins for most participants. Way to go. Class of ‘79, take note for our 50th. Wish I could be there. Y’all have a great time telling stories and reliving the good ole days. I live in South Georgia and it was just too far to drive just for a few hours of fun. Post pictures y’all.
Claire C Carruth ‘79
I wish I could be there but I am working a horse show. June is my busy horse show month.
Kelly Martin Munz ‘88
I regret that I will not be able to attend.
My very best to the class of 1979 and any faculty or alumnae who were there from the classes of 1977 and 1978.
If it is possible to get a mug, it would be nice.
Kathy Wadhams Cox, 1978
I was hoping to attend this year but a long-planned trip to Italy May 2 - May 20 followed by arthroscopic right shoulder surgery May 30 won't allow me to join you.
Have a wonderful reunion,
Rebecca Cole-Turner, CJN, faculty 1971-1974
Thank you for organizing the reunion. I will be out of the country and unable to attend. I’m having dinner next week with Cathy Del Colle a.k.a. Del Wynn '85. I saw Hattie Muir '85 when we were out in Seattle. Two weekends ago, I was in Maine with Diane & Richard Armstrong. My Purnell reunions are very small but really wonderful…
- Sarah Rowland class of 1985 & former Director of Admissions